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March 18, 2022 3 min read 0 Comments

You have just bought a brand new piano, complete with a piano cover or piano keyboard dust cover, and cannot wait to begin playing. However, if you are just starting to learn how to play the piano, it is important that you know how to label piano keys correctly. This can seem confusing at first, but with a little bit of practice, it will become second nature. In this blog post, we will discuss the proper way to label keys on a piano. We will also explain the layout and the number of keys of a typical piano.

How many keys does a piano have?

There are 88 keys on most standard piano keyboards. The white keys are typically designated with letters A through G, while the black keys are typically designated with numbers one through seven. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, the black key located directly to the left of the middle C is called “C sharp” or “D flat”, depending on which key signature you are using. Make sure you learn where all the keys are located on the keyboard. They may seem confusing at first, but with practice, they will become second nature!

The order of the notes along the keyboard goes like this: A B C D E F G A B C D E and so on. This same key sequence will repeat itself up and down the keyboard - so don’t worry if it seems confusing at first! If you are just starting out, it might be helpful to practice identifying the different piano notes on a keyboard. This can help you get used to where each note is located on the keyboard.

What is a typical piano keyboard layout?

On a typical piano keyboard, the black keys are arranged in groups of two and three. The white piano keys are in between these black keys. Each black or white key has a letter name assigned to it, which corresponds with a certain note on the musical scale. For example, the letter "C" is located in the middle of the keyboard, and it corresponds to the note "C". The notes get higher as you move towards the right side of the keyboard, and they get lower as you move towards the left side.

How do you label piano keys?

Now that you know how to identify and play piano notes, it’s time to learn how to label piano keys. So, how are piano keys labelled? The easiest way when labelling piano keys is by using a key chart or keyboard diagram. This will show you exactly which letter or number corresponds with each key on the keyboard. Once you have a keyboard diagram, print it out and practice identifying the notes on your actual piano. You can also use a piano chord chart, which will show you the different chords that can be played on a piano.

In order to properly label piano keys, you will need to use a key signature. A key signature is simply a set of sharps or flats (depending on which key you are in) that are assigned to a certain note. This tells you what notes are sharp or flat without having to look them up every time.

For example, if you see the symbol “F #” written above one of the black keys, this means that the F note located next to it is sharpened (or raised) by one half-step. Conversely, if you see the symbol “Gb ” written above a black key, this means that the Gb note located next to it is flatted (or lowered) by one half-step. A key signature can be very helpful when learning how to play songs on the piano.


Labelling the keys on a piano can seem like a daunting task, but with a little practice, it becomes easy. Once you get comfortable with the layout, you will be able to play any song that you come across!
