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February 21, 2018 3 min read 0 Comments

Should Piano Keys Be Covered?


Image: Leatherette piano key cover


When you invest in a new musical instrument you’ll want to care for it in the best way possible. Looking after an expensive piano requires particular attention because the sound quality of your instrument can actually change if simple rules of maintenance are not upheld. A question often asked comes to mind; should piano keys be covered?


One, seemingly logical, solution to help protect your piano keys might be to keep the lid closed when not in use. It would seems obvious that if the piano has a lid then there must be a reason for it. But should piano keyboards be covered? You might be surprised to know that covering the piano keys with its own lid is not always the best way to look after the keys. Believe it or not, piano keys need to breathe and keeping them closed up with the lid, can actually be damaging, and can induce mold and humidity.


Humidity can affect the wooden structure of the piano, and especially the keys, causing damage that will affect the sound and cause damage to the physical structure of your piano. By using a piano cover made from proper materials, you can help to protect your piano, without suffocating the natural wood of the elegant instrument. Many piano covers today come in a range of luxurious velvets, and besides the functional benefits, also look elegant and beautiful.


Dusty piano interior

Image: Dusty piano Interior


Dust accumulation is another reason to consider covering your piano keys. That infinite, universal, microscopic pain that we all spend too much time trying to eliminate, which infiltrates every tiny nook and cranny of our homes – can really affect the quality of the inside of your piano. So how can we avoid the dust that is ubiquitous and seemingly impossible to eliminate? Realistically, we will never be able to eliminate dust completely, but we certainly can reduce the quantity that infiltrates a piano and keep damage at bay. An aesthetically pleasing, and practical solution is to cover your piano with an elegant piano cover. Many covers on the market today are beautifully made, ranging from stunning grand piano covers or upright piano covers – where the choices of color and luxurious velvet materials are multiple. Covers are a functional solution, reducing the amount of dust that gets into and on top of the piano, while also being pleasing to the eye.


It’s commonly known that humidity and temperature changes are one of your piano’s worst enemies. Any fluctuation can cause untold damage, and result in possible sound deterioration over time. You need to be careful of the environment in which a piano stands, keeping it away from vents or exterior walls that may cause humidity or frequent temperature changes. Investing in a good dehumidifier with regulated heating and cooling devices is one solution, however by protecting your piano with a piano cover you can increase insulation against humid or temperature fluctuations. When choosing your piano cover, check for additional UV ray protection, which can cause discoloration and damage to wooden parts, including keys if not properly protected from.

 Water spills on piano

Image: Accidental Spills


Obviously accidental spills, caused by careless placing of drinks or other liquids on the piano, can cause real damage to your piano. Our first recommendation is to completely avoid placing any liquids on or near a piano! Liquid can cause wood to expand resulting in the necessity for expensive repair work. A waterproof piano cover can help protect a piano, however it’s much easier to avoid all damage from liquids by keeping all liquids away from it.


You’ve spent hard earned money investing in a quality piano to last a lifetime. So, should piano keys be covered? Yes, they certainly should be! Choose to look after it carefully, protecting it and covering it without taking away from its beauty and elegance using a well-made piano cover.
